Subscribing Member
With this membership you will be part of an online community, with resources and events that are easily accessed. You can attend a range of basic level or in-depth workshops and retreats focused on developing your personal skills and making spirituality practical in your life.
Enjoy being part of an online community, with resources and events that are easily accessed. You can attend a range of basic level or in-depth workshops and retreats focused on developing your personal skills and making spirituality practical in your life.
More info
Community Services Membership
IPMI Australia “Community Services Member” (Member) is an opportunity to work together as a team to build and expand the feeling of belonging and fellowship with an intent of spiritual unity and camaraderie with our spiritual brothers and sisters.
What can IPMI Australia do for you
IPMI Australia (IPMI Aus) has now taken up the opportunity of having an Independent Contract with Wayshowers College and is able to offer Level 1 and Level 2 courses to the community and leaders (based around the “6 steps” program) as well as a comprehensive “Curriculum Training Program”, which is specifically designed to assist leadership development in areas of personal, business and social.