Gifts & Guidance

This is an opportunity to meet your spiritual helpers and develope a storng two way communication.

Orientation Profile

This is a unique profile that allows the searcher to understand their communication system.

Spiritual Thrust Profile

Speaking and writing with Guidance

This groupwork has a pre-requisite of having completed the Dimensions of my Past Present and Future Groupwork, including all of the courses and profiles.

This groupwork comprises of 10 x 2 hour sessions, 2 courses and one profile, and is structured as below

  • Course 564: The Dynamics of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling
  • Five weeks of 2 hour groupwork sessions
  • 1003B: Depth Therapy Profile
  • Course 565: Reality of My Life Awareness
  • Five weeks of 2 hour groupwork sessions
New Spiritual Horizons Weekend Groupwork

Learn to communicate with your inner guidance through meditation and experience energy techniques to build your inner leadership.

The Group meets 2 hours weekly.

To learn about yourself your inner strengths.

The groups are structured around meditation, study and spiritual development techniques.

These groups are a safe environment where you learn to share your true feelings and listen to others.